New funding for creative placemaking and transportation


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Is your city working to engage residents and spark creative transportation projects? If so, consider applying for a Cultural Corridor Consortium grant from Transportation for America, a program of Smart Growth America. The new opportunity will award $50,000 each to three cities working to integrate creative placemaking with transit investments.

Creative placemaking harnesses the power of local culture and arts to cultivate genuine public engagement on critical transportation projects, leading to both a better process and better projects in the end. Last year, Transportation for America released The Scenic Route, an interactive guide all about this innovative approach.

The new Cultural Corridor Consortium grant is especially committed to funding collaborative projects that expand transportation opportunities and local control for low-income people, recent immigrants, and people of color living in communities that have experienced disproportionate disinvestment and disconnection.

If you’re interested in this opportunity and want to know more about how to apply, join Transportation for America for an informational webinar on Thursday, May 11 at 4 pm EDT. Project staff will talk about what makes for a great application, and everything you need to know about the application process.

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