Realizing the development potential along rail corridors


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Photo credit: Brandon Walker via Flickr

In 2007, the City of Charlotte, NC opened its Lynx light rail line and this week, the Charlotte Business Journal took a look at what’s happening along the line 10 years later. In short: increased development of offices and housing in the South End.

So this week we’re featuring two items from that take a look at development along rail corridors, including in Charlotte. Realizing the Potential catalogues development along five different transit corridors and shows what obstacles kept mixed-income housing from being built along them. And Rails to Real Estate, released four years later, takes a second looks at three of the original corridors from Realizing the Potential, finding that much of the development in Charlotte and Minneapolis was proximate to employment centers, that vacant and underutilized properties aren’t as influential as employment proximity to development prospects, and that block sizes mattered to development in Charlotte and Minneapolis, but not Denver.

Charlotte is close to completion on the Northern section of its Lynx line, and there are new opportunities to take the lessons from the previous line and put them to good use.

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Recent TOD news

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