
Transportation and Public Health


This article investigates various ways that transportation policy and planning decisions affect public health and better ways to incorporate public health objectives into transport planning. Conventional planning tends to consider some public health impacts, such as crash risk and pollution emissions measured per vehicle-kilometer, but generally ignores health problems resulting from less active transport (reduced … Continued

Evaluating Public Transit As An Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Strategy


This report investigates the role public transit improvements can play in conserving energy and reducing emissions. Critics argue that transit is an inefficient strategy since on average it uses almost as much energy per passenger-mile as driving, and more than some commercially available cars. However, this reflects the inefficiency of public transit services intended to … Continued

Evaluating Public Transportation Health Benefits


This report investigates ways that public transportation affects human health, and ways to incorporate these impacts into transport policy and planning decisions. This research indicates that public transit improvements and more transit oriented development can provide large but often overlooked health benefits. People who live or work in communities with high quality public transport tend … Continued

Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit


Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit: Affordable TOD as a Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Equity Strategy The California Housing Partnership Corporation initiated this report in order to assess existing research on the role of preservation and development of affordable housing in transit-­-oriented corridors as a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy for California. As a … Continued

Why Creating and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit Is a Highly Effective Climate Protection Strategy


A new analysis of data from Caltrans’ California Household Travel Survey (CHTS) completed in February 2013 shows that a well-designed program to put more affordable homes near transit would not just meet the requirements set by the California Air Resources Board (ARB), but would be a powerful and durable GHG reduction strategy – directly reducing … Continued