
Transit Parking 101


This Recommended Practice is an introduction to parking and transit, including the ownership, supply, location, management and design of parking facilities.

Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development


This publication highlights strategies and approaches that link smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development. In Chapter 3, these strategies and approaches are grouped under seven common themes that unite the three concepts. The fundamental overlap between smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development is how to plan and build neighborhoods to address environmental, health, … Continued

Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit


Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit: Affordable TOD as a Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Equity Strategy The California Housing Partnership Corporation initiated this report in order to assess existing research on the role of preservation and development of affordable housing in transit-­-oriented corridors as a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy for California. As a … Continued

Oriented Toward Equity: A Rating System for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development


Unlike rating systems that assess the quality of individual TOD projects, this proposed eTOD Score rating system seeks to measure the capacity for equitable TOD within a given public transit station area. It identifies easily quantifiable and comparable built, social, and transit attributes that reduce driving, encourage higher transit ridership, and promote transit equity and … Continued

Los Angeles Equity Atlas


The Equity Atlas draws from existing research and material to understand geographic differences in performance towards achieving the countywide equity goals outlined in the report. The Equity Atlas clearly articulates how these goals related to transportation and land use investments. The Equity Atlas overlays the transit network on different measures to understand how we perform … Continued

Transit Oriented Development that’s Healthy, Green and Just


Transit Oriented Development that’s Healthy, Green and Just asks a basic question about Puget Sound’s new light rail system – how do we ensure this massive public investment benefits all families? In Southeast Seattle neighborhoods the light rail has already accelerated gentrification and may lead to displacement of many communities of color into the suburbs. … Continued