Federal Policy

Transit-oriented development in the States


Across the United States, in large cities such as Seattle and Miami and in smaller metropolitan areas such as Hartford, Conn., and Fort Collins, Colo., new transit systems are being built to aid mobility, reduce congestion and spark economic activity. Future transit riders may find themselves stepping onto a new light rail car in Houston, … Continued

Unlocking MAP-21’s Potential to Fund Equitable Transit-Oriented Development


This white paper was developed for Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (Enterprise) and its regional and national stakeholders working to advance equitable transit-oriented development (TOD). It focuses on the potential role of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in supporting equitable TOD through the use of federal transportation funds and other resources. A set of policy recommendations and … Continued

Transit-Oriented District University Curriculum


With support from the Southern California field office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and in partnership with Move LA, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Actions for a Just Economy, Enterprise Community Partners presents a popular education curriculum for equitable development in transit-oriented districts with a focus on affordable housing. This innovative curriculum … Continued

2010 Inventory of TOD Programs


2010 Inventory of TOD Programs: A National Review of State, Regional and Local Programs that Fund Transit-Oriented Development Plans and Projects The scope of this effort was not to compile all policies that support TOD, such as zoning codes, joint development policies or authorizing legislation, but rather to inventory ongoing, institutionalized programs that provide direct … Continued

How can LIHTC help provide affordable rental housing near transit?


This report addresses a fundamental question: How can the LIHTC program most effectively be used to promote the preservation and development of affordable rental housing near transit? To answer this question, the report examines the mechanisms through which statehousing agencies evaluate LIHTC applicants and make funding decisions.

Preserving Affordability and Access in Livable Communities: Subsidized Housing Opportunities Near Transit and the 50+ Population


In the next five years as many as 160,000 renters in 20 metro areas could lose their affordable apartments near transit because the contracts on their privately-owned HUD-subsidized rental units are due to expire. The renewed popularity of urban living means that properties in walkable neighborhoods near transit have increased in value, and that property … Continued