Land Use

Transit-Oriented Development Tools for Metropolitan Planning Organizations


Metropolitan Planning Organizations play a very important role in the planning and implementation of TOD. As regional planning bodies, MPOs are in a unique position to support stakeholders within their jurisdiction to take actions or adopt policies that support transit-oriented development and provide funding for planning and transit supportive infrastructure. In long-standing federal law for … Continued

Mass Transit & Mass: Densities Needed to Make Transit Investments Pay Off


This study examined factors that are associated with cost-effective transit investments. By “cost-effective” we mean projects with low capital cost per rider on an annual basis. To address this question, we obtained data for 59 transit investments—33 light-rail (LRT), 23 heavy rail (HR), and four bus rapid transit (BRT) systems— across 19 metropolitan areas in … Continued

Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use Decision Making: Guidebook for Transit Agencies


This guidebook was developed to help transit agencies better address the connections among transit, land use planning, and development decision making. The guidebook promotes improved transit and land use decision making by providing transit agencies with the tools to be more effective at the decision-making table. The tools, which build on successful transit and land … Continued

City of Chicago TOD Zoning Ordinance


In 2015, the City of Chicago increased incentives for quality development near transit stations through the TOD ordinance. MPC supports these incentives as one important step toward increasing transit ridership in our region: When more people live and work near transit, more people use transit. Learn more below about the city’s new incentives and view a map that … Continued

The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice (Third Edition)


This handbook collects the innovative approaches that state transportation leaders are already using to make systems more efficient and effective in today’s challenging economy. Smarter transportation investments are both possible and popular; the challenge is determining where to begin and to whom to reach out for support and guidance. Every state is different, from the … Continued

Economic Value of Walkability


This paper describes ways to evaluate the value of walking (the activity) and walkability (the quality of walking conditions, including safety, comfort and convenience). Walking and walkability provide a variety of benefits, including basic mobility, consumer cost savings, cost savings (reduced external costs), efficient land use, community livability, improved fitness and public health, economic development, … Continued

Guidelines for Providing Access to Public Transportation Stations


TCRP Report 153 – This report is intended to aid in the planning, developing, and improving of access to high capacity commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail, bus rapid transit, and ferry stations. The report includes guidelines for arranging and integrating various station design elements. The print version of TCRP Report 153 is accompanied by … Continued