
Transit Supportive Guidelines


These Guidelines present principles and standards that may be implemented by municipalities, designers, engineers, and many others to create supportive development that can be served by Pace’s suburban bus service. By shaping the built environment to support all modes of movement – from the transit vehicle itself to pedestrians walking down the street or to … Continued

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Design Guidelines


The purpose of this guidance document is to provide direction for joint-development partners on the design elements that UTA expects developers to consider and address in development plans, including connectivity and development form. These guidelines will be used by UTA staff in reviewing site plans and will formulate the basis for feedback and final acceptance … Continued

Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier


Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier explores the interconnections among walking, bicycling, and real estate development. It showcases the growing synergies between real estate development and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure investments.

Is a Half-Mile Circle the Right Standard for TODs?


Planners and researchers use transit catchment areas — the land around stations — as geographic units for predicting ridership, assessing the impacts of transit investments and, recently, for designing transit-oriented developments. In the US, a half-mile-radius circle has become the de facto standard for rail-transit catchment areas. There is surprisingly little evidence to justify any … Continued

Access and Parking Strategies for TOD


The guide is intended as a resource for municipal officials looking for innovative strategies to support multi-modal access to their transit station and TOD area. While providing parking options in these areas is important, this guide focuses first on assessing multi-modal access strategies as a whole and placing a priority on pedestrian, bicycle and transit … Continued

Bicycling Access and Egress to Transit: Informing the Possibilities


To aid in developing a framework to evaluate the cost effectiveness of different strategies to integrate transit and bicycling this project: (1) reviews the state of the knowledge, (2) proposes an analysis framework for communities and transit agencies to consider in efforts to maximize the integration of bicycling and transit, (3) conducts focus groups with … Continued

Cities Safer by Design


The guide addresses issues such as enhancing urban design to increase walkability, reducing vehicle speeds that threaten all road users, providing high-quality spaces for pedestrians and bicyclists, and improving access to mass transport.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design


There is a strong link between neighborhood conditions and health. Crime can have direct and indirect effects on individual and public health. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design fosters collaboration among planners, law enforcement, engineers, designers, code enforcement, and community stakeholders. This collaborative approach can help to improve community and government relations, and increase activity and … Continued