Ready for Rail
/Overview of a safety net program for businesses that show a decline in sales due to the construction of the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Line.
Overview of a safety net program for businesses that show a decline in sales due to the construction of the Central Corridor Light Rail Transit Line.
A Guide to Regional Visioning: Mapping the Course for Successful Community Engaged Scenario Planning This guidebook covers the entire scenario planning process integrating tools, strategies, case studies, and interactive worksheets.
In 2008, PPS partnered with the American Association of Retired People (AARP) to publish three books on streets and transportation. The publications are a joint effort of PPS’s “Building Community Through” campaign, which seeks to transform transportation policies and practice that currently prioritize moving people and goods over creating walkable, healthy and sustainable places, and … Continued
In December of 2012, T.R.U.S.T. South LA, in collaboration with Abode Communities, initiated a participatory planning campaign for the design of the redevelopment of Rolland Curtis Gardens, a substandard 48-unit affordable housing development located in a transit-rich South Los Angeles neighborhood. Our collective goal was to implement temporary rehabilitation measures while developing a community-based plan … Continued
This report focuses primarily on the third group, and explores ways in which technology has been used to engage typically un- or underrepresented groups in land use planning and deci- sion-making processes. Low income people, as well as people of color, immigrants, people with limited English proficiency, and youth are often un- or underrepresented in … Continued
At what point do we say “screw public involvement” and just make the decisions we want? Answer? We don’t. But we can find better ways to engage and involve the public so we can incorporate their very valuable input. This Pecha Kucha presentation was given at Rail~Volution 2014 in Minneapolis, MN. Theresa McClure, Public Involvement … Continued
If you can’t bring people to the table bring the table to them. Wonder why no one is coming to your public meetings on a Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm? Public engagement is essential to moving projects forward. Make it easy, make it inclusive, do it different and let Dan Reed, Associate at Nelson/Nygaard Consulting … Continued