Public Spaces

The Role of Artists & The Arts in Creative Placemaking


In May 2014, the Baltimore Office of Promotion and the Arts (BOPA) and the European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) cluster of Washington, DC organized a symposium entitled The Role of Artists and the Arts in Creative Placemaking. Seven curators from Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, and the United Kingdom met 12 organizers … Continued

TOD 202: Station Area Planning: How To Make Great Transit-Oriented Places


This manual is intended to help with simplifying the complex decisions that surround planning for TOD projects and station areas by providing details about the scales of development likely to occur in different places, as well as station area planning principles and TOD plan checklists. The manual begins with a discussion of seven “TOD place … Continued

Thinking Beyond the Station


You are cutting it close, rushing to catch your bus or train. Just as you arrive to the station/stop, you hear the heart-crushing sound of acceleration. You look up, it’s rolling down the line. It’s gone. Now you’ll have thirty long, lonely minutes to dwell on your near miss as cars careen past you. Your … Continued