St. Paul MN

Filling the Financing Gap for Equitable Transit-OrientedDevelopment


Filling the Financing Gap for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development describes the key components of a model system for equitable TOD, the most common challenges regional actors face in moving equitable TOD projects forward and a variety of strategies partners can use to address these challenges. The report includes recommendations for approaches to leveraging public and private … Continued

Business Impact Mitigations for Transit Projects


This report outlines successful strategies that have been used to help businesses survive and thrive in two cities—Seattle, Washington, and St. Paul, Minnesota—that have recently built extensive new light rail lines through neighborhoods rich with small, local, minority- and immigrant-owned businesses. Research for these two case studies included a review of business impact reports, research … Continued

Healthy Corridor for All: A Community Health Impact Assessment of TOD Policy in St. Paul, Minnesota


Responding to community concerns, ISAIAH, TakeAction Minnesota and PolicyLink launched the Healthy Corridor for All Health Impact Assessment (HIA) project to understand the potential impacts of the proposed transit-oriented land use changed on the communities that live in the Central Corridor. The project was directed by a Community Steering Committee (CSC) comprised of community leaders … Continued