Street Design

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Design Guidelines


The purpose of this guidance document is to provide direction for joint-development partners on the design elements that UTA expects developers to consider and address in development plans, including connectivity and development form. These guidelines will be used by UTA staff in reviewing site plans and will formulate the basis for feedback and final acceptance … Continued

Transit Street Design Guide


The Transit Street Design Guide sets a new vision for how cities can harness the immense potential of transit to create active and efficient streets in neighborhoods and downtowns alike. Building on the Urban Street Design Guide and Urban Bikeway Design Guide, the Transit Street Design Guide details how reliable public transportation depends on a commitment to transit at every level … Continued

Strategic Stormwater Solutions for TOD


The study provides a stormwater management framework for the implementation of SSGI – a system in which stormwater runoff generated from multiple parcels is jointly treated in shared green infrastructure. The green infrastructure is located and designed to provide economic, environmental and social (triple bottom line) benefits to the community beyond treating stormwater, referred to … Continued