Value Capture

Rails to Real Estate: Development Patterns Along Three New Transit Lines


This report documents real estate development patterns along three recently constructed light rail transit lines in the United States: 1) Hiawatha Line (Minneapolis-St. Paul), 2) Southeast Corridor (Denver), 3) Blue Line (Charlotte). This topic is important for local planning practitioners, transit agencies, community members and other stakeholders in their efforts to plan for new transit … Continued

TOD 201: Mixed-Income Housing Near Transit


Increasing Affordability With Location Efficiency This report discusses how providing for a mix of incomes in walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods near transit improves the already considerable benefits of having mixed-income neighborhoods by significantly reducing transportation costs. Creating mixed-income TOD deepens the affordability of housing because families can get by with one less car or no cars … Continued

TOD 202: Station Area Planning: How To Make Great Transit-Oriented Places


This manual is intended to help with simplifying the complex decisions that surround planning for TOD projects and station areas by providing details about the scales of development likely to occur in different places, as well as station area planning principles and TOD plan checklists. The manual begins with a discussion of seven “TOD place … Continued