Displacement and Equity

Realizing The Potential: Expanding Housing Opportunities Near Transit


This national study funded by the Federal Transit Administration and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development shows that location matters a great deal when it comes to reducing household costs. While families who live in auto-dependent neighborhoods spend an average of 25 percent of their household budget on transportation, families who live in … Continued

TOD 201: Mixed-Income Housing Near Transit


Increasing Affordability With Location Efficiency This report discusses how providing for a mix of incomes in walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods near transit improves the already considerable benefits of having mixed-income neighborhoods by significantly reducing transportation costs. Creating mixed-income TOD deepens the affordability of housing because families can get by with one less car or no cars … Continued

Transit-Oriented District University Curriculum


With support from the Southern California field office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and in partnership with Move LA, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Actions for a Just Economy, Enterprise Community Partners presents a popular education curriculum for equitable development in transit-oriented districts with a focus on affordable housing. This innovative curriculum … Continued

Tools for Mixed-Income TOD


This paper describes and evaluates tools and strategies that are being used to create mixed-income and affordable housing near transit in regions around the U.S. The first half of the paper explains how these various strategies are being used and the limitations and successes of each, and the second half discusses best practices and provides … Continued

How can LIHTC help provide affordable rental housing near transit?


This report addresses a fundamental question: How can the LIHTC program most effectively be used to promote the preservation and development of affordable rental housing near transit? To answer this question, the report examines the mechanisms through which statehousing agencies evaluate LIHTC applicants and make funding decisions.

Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development


This publication highlights strategies and approaches that link smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development. In Chapter 3, these strategies and approaches are grouped under seven common themes that unite the three concepts. The fundamental overlap between smart growth, environmental justice, and equitable development is how to plan and build neighborhoods to address environmental, health, … Continued

Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit


Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit: Affordable TOD as a Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Equity Strategy The California Housing Partnership Corporation initiated this report in order to assess existing research on the role of preservation and development of affordable housing in transit-­-oriented corridors as a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy for California. As a … Continued

Transit Oriented Development that’s Healthy, Green and Just


Transit Oriented Development that’s Healthy, Green and Just asks a basic question about Puget Sound’s new light rail system – how do we ensure this massive public investment benefits all families? In Southeast Seattle neighborhoods the light rail has already accelerated gentrification and may lead to displacement of many communities of color into the suburbs. … Continued

Does TOD need the ‘T’?


Problem, research strategy, and findings: Transit-oriented developments (TODs) often consist of new housing near rail stations. Channeling urban growth into such developments is intended in part to reduce the climate change, pollution, and congestion caused by driving. But new housing might be expected to attract more affluent households that drive more, and rail access might … Continued