Publication Date
June 25, 2013
Resource Type
A Station Area Typology of Economic Opportunity: A Guide to Better Connecting Transit, Jobs and Workforce Development in the Denver Region
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the benefits to employers and workforce training providers of locating near transit, as well address the barriers that often prevent them from choosing a transit-oriented location. It includes academic research, applied research from think tanks and advocacy groups and case studies from several regions that have programs in place to promote businesses near transit. The review also addresses the gaps in the research and recommends tools and strategies for overcoming the barriers to locating near transit. The report concludes with a typology tool for local practitioners and policymakers to use to attract, retain and grow more businesses in transit-oriented locations, using Denver’s East and West lines as case studies. The audience for this report includes local government staff responsible for planning and investment decisions, employers seeking information on location choices and other stakeholders who are seeking to improve economic opportunity.