Publication Date
October 1, 2015
Resource Type
Art, Community Culture and TOD: Four Stories
Is it art? Or a key component for improving and leveraging transit system investments? It can be both! See how art installations and other placemaking strategies are being used in four communities. How are Tucson, the Bay Area, the Twin Cities and Dallas incorporating art into their local delivery systems? Each community tells a different story — with ideas you can use in your own composition. Moderator: Richard Manson, Program Vice President, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, New York, New York Kathy Mouacheupao, Cultural Corridor Coordinator, Local Initiatives Support Corporation, St. Paul, Minnesota Abigail Thorne-Lyman, Principal Planner, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit, Oakland, California Catherine Cuellar, Director of Entrepreneurs For North Texas, Communities Foundation of Texas, Dallas, Texas Janet Gonzalez, Sustainable Transportation Director, HDR, Chicago, Illinois