Zoning, Coding and Urban Design

Replacement Parking for Joint Development: An Access Policy Methodology


This report suggests a method for developing access and replacement parking strategies for BART’s Joint Development Program. It summarizes the context for this issue, identifies problems associated with current replacement parking practice, proposes general principles for access/replacement parking, and recommends an access/replacement parking methodology.

Seven American TODs: Good practices for urban design in TOD Projects


This paper analyzes seven American TOD projects in terms of urban design and concludes with a discussion of “good practices” for future TOD projects focusing on development processes, place-making, and facilities. This research supplements prior scholarship on TOD that has tended to focus on policy issues such as regulation and financing.

Stalled Out: How Empty Parking Spaces Diminish Neighborhood Affordability


This report explores the relationship between unused parking and neighborhood affordability. Many cities, including Chicago, mandate the minimum number of parking spaces new developments need to build. As the report points out, however, these minimum requirements don’t always reflect real demand. It notes that apartment buildings near frequent transit (such as CTA trains) need less … Continued

Street Smart: Streetcars and Cities in the 21st Century


This richly illustrated book is about streetcars and the tremendous private investment they help generate. There are case studies of the most robust new systems and the ways they’ve been used to leverage ambitious public goals like affordability and high-quality public space, and chapters on planning, financing and the more technical aspects of building a … Continued

TBARTA TOD Resource Guide


This TOD Resource Guide by the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA) is intended to serve as a resource to planners, citizens, elected officials, government agencies, local businesses, the development community, nonprofit organizations, and outside investors. The goal is to provide information about a variety of tools and implementation strategies that will help local … Continued

The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice (Third Edition)


This handbook collects the innovative approaches that state transportation leaders are already using to make systems more efficient and effective in today’s challenging economy. Smarter transportation investments are both possible and popular; the challenge is determining where to begin and to whom to reach out for support and guidance. Every state is different, from the … Continued

The TOD Standard


The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy’s TOD Standard is an assessment, recognition and policy guidance tool uniquely focused on integrating sustainable transport and land use planning and design. It is aimed at a broad range of urban development stakeholders, including governments, developers and investors, planners and designers, sustainable development advocates and interested citizens.  

Transit and Urban Form – Volume 2, Part III A Guidebook for Practitioners


A Guidebook for Practitioners offers guidance to communities on patterns of development that encourage alternatives to the automobile for work and nonwork travel. It summarizes the key relationships between transit and urban form, outlines the role of transit in regional and corridor planning, and discusses the principles and tools for station-area planning and development.

Transit and Urban Form – Volume 2PART IV Public Policy and Transit-Oriented Development: Six International Case Studies


Public Policy and TOD uses case studies to determine the public policies and institutions necessary for transit-supportive development to occur. The case studies include three cities with rail systems and three with high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes or exclusive busways. The six case study cities are Houston, Texas; Washington, D.C.; Portland, Oregon; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; … Continued