Affordable housing

When a transit-oriented development misses the point


A new residential development on one of the most transit-oriented, walkable corners of Southern California will have more parking than housing. Getting parking right is critical if transit-oriented developments are going to make the most of transit, reduce dependence on cars, and provide more attainable housing without having to bake the high cost of structured parking into every unit for sale or rent.

TBARTA TOD Resource Guide


This TOD Resource Guide by the Tampa Bay Area Regional Transportation Authority (TBARTA) is intended to serve as a resource to planners, citizens, elected officials, government agencies, local businesses, the development community, nonprofit organizations, and outside investors. The goal is to provide information about a variety of tools and implementation strategies that will help local … Continued

Unlocking MAP-21’s Potential to Fund Equitable Transit-Oriented Development


This white paper was developed for Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (Enterprise) and its regional and national stakeholders working to advance equitable transit-oriented development (TOD). It focuses on the potential role of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in supporting equitable TOD through the use of federal transportation funds and other resources. A set of policy recommendations and … Continued

Denver Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund


In 2010, Enterprise and Denver-area partners launched a first-of-its-kind fund to create and preserve affordable housing along current and future transit corridors in the City of Denver. As the region’s transit system extended beyond the City, the fund expanded to meet new demand. Today, the $24 million Denver Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund is available to … Continued

Bay Area Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing (TOAH) Fund


The $50 million Fund provides financing for the development of affordable housing and other vital community services near transit lines throughout the Bay Area. Through the Fund, developers can access flexible, affordable capital to purchase or improve available property near transit lines for the development of affordable housing, retail space and other critical services, such … Continued

King County Right Size Parking Policy


The Right Size Parking (RSP) project is an innovative, data-driven research and outreach effort focused on helping local jurisdictions and developers to balance parking supply and demand for multi-family buildings.

Transit-Oriented District University Curriculum


With support from the Southern California field office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and in partnership with Move LA, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Actions for a Just Economy, Enterprise Community Partners presents a popular education curriculum for equitable development in transit-oriented districts with a focus on affordable housing. This innovative curriculum … Continued