
Major bus corridors chosen for expanded TOD policy


In Chicago, the groundwork is being laid to expand the city’s TOD policy regulations from the initial two heavy ridership corridors to eight that encompass 20 different bus routes. The policy will allow denser developments with less parking in proximity to select stations.

Housing for buses and people


But innovative thinking and new technologies are changing the discussion around potential uses for bus depots, as in San Francisco where the SFMTA has opened up the possibility of building new housing to help pay for the renovation of a 103-year-old maintenance facility.

Transit Supportive Guidelines


These Guidelines present principles and standards that may be implemented by municipalities, designers, engineers, and many others to create supportive development that can be served by Pace’s suburban bus service. By shaping the built environment to support all modes of movement – from the transit vehicle itself to pedestrians walking down the street or to … Continued

Bus to Rail: a Crucial Link


UCTC Policy Brief 2013-03: When cities and regions examine which transit options provide the best access at the lowest price—for operators as well as riders—rail is commonly found to be less cost-effective than bus rapid transit (BRT) or ordinary buses. However, most investigations to date have assumed that riders walk to transit stops, and these … Continued

Albuquerque Rapid Transit Business Assistance  


Website providing informaiton on the upcoming construction of the bus rapid transit line, Albuquerque Rapid Transit (ART), along an 8.75-mile stretch of Central Avenue: 60 days of sidewalk widening, landscaping, roadway resurfacing, and center lane roadway reconfigurations to build stations and create a dedicated lane for the buses.

Protecting Against Transit Crime: The Importance of the Built Environment


The paper first summarizes the theoretical context with two theories that seek to explain the incidence of crime. Following this brief theoretical overview the paper presents empirical findings about the effect of the built environment on crime at transit stops and stations in Los Angeles, and ends with policy recommendations and suggestions for safer transit … Continued

Building Capacity: Helping Communities Create Vibrant, Healthy and Economically Prosperous Neighborhoods


The information in this document represents a compilation of specific issue area briefs provided by Team Implementation. Each issue brief accompanied a webinar and allowed grantees to gain additional resources on topics such as creating regional TOD plans and strategies, infill infrastructure financing, advancing sustainability in a slow economy, and redeveloping brownfield properties. This document … Continued