Economic Development

The Hop streetcar boosting land values pre-launch


A month before a new streetcar line is scheduled to open in Milwaukee, WI, Mayor Tom Barrett and city officials are touting new city data showing a 27.9 percent increase in property values since construction of the line was announced in 2015 compared with a citywide increase of 13.4 percent over the same time period.

“The role of a transit agency isn’t just moving people, it’s economic development”


Value capture, gentrification, and building affordable housing around transit were among the many topics on the agenda at the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods. With value capture in particular, having developers and consultants with relevant experience in the room provided some important insights into how to successfully execute such projects.

Evaluating Transportation Land Use Impacts: Considering the Impacts, Benefits and Costs of Different Land UseDevelopment Patterns


This report examines ways that transportation decisions affect land use patterns, and the resulting economic, social and environmental impacts. These include direct impacts on land used for transportation facilities, and indirect impacts caused by changes to land use development patterns. In particular, certain transportation planning decisions tend to increase sprawl (dispersed, urban-fringe, automobile-dependent development), while … Continued

Planning for Transit-Supportive Development: A Practitioner’s Guide


This resource is a toolkit of practical and innovative measures to help Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO’s), regional planners, transit agencies, and local government elected officials, staff, land use planners, and transit planners integrate transit planning with local land use planning. This guide includes best practices, guidance, success stories, useful techniques, transferable examples, and lessons learned, … Continued

The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice (Third Edition)


This handbook collects the innovative approaches that state transportation leaders are already using to make systems more efficient and effective in today’s challenging economy. Smarter transportation investments are both possible and popular; the challenge is determining where to begin and to whom to reach out for support and guidance. Every state is different, from the … Continued

Value Capture and Transit


This webinar describes techniques for capturing the property value increases to pay for transit or other improvements.

Economic Value of Walkability


This paper describes ways to evaluate the value of walking (the activity) and walkability (the quality of walking conditions, including safety, comfort and convenience). Walking and walkability provide a variety of benefits, including basic mobility, consumer cost savings, cost savings (reduced external costs), efficient land use, community livability, improved fitness and public health, economic development, … Continued