
Planning for Transit-Supportive Development: A Practitioner’s Guide


This resource is a toolkit of practical and innovative measures to help Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO’s), regional planners, transit agencies, and local government elected officials, staff, land use planners, and transit planners integrate transit planning with local land use planning. This guide includes best practices, guidance, success stories, useful techniques, transferable examples, and lessons learned, … Continued

Steps to Avoid Stalled Equitable TOD Projects


This paper explores why ETOD projects often get stuck in what is typically called the predevelopment phase. The researchers also make key recommendations for market feasibility assessments to be incorporated early in transit planning so that transit build-out can support development. In order to help regions avoid predevelopment pitfalls, the paper also proposes two new … Continued

The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice (Third Edition)


This handbook collects the innovative approaches that state transportation leaders are already using to make systems more efficient and effective in today’s challenging economy. Smarter transportation investments are both possible and popular; the challenge is determining where to begin and to whom to reach out for support and guidance. Every state is different, from the … Continued

Capturing the Value of Transit


Over the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that the presence of transit can increase property values and result in valuable development opportunities. In this era of constrained transit funding and widespread demand for new and expanded transit systems, policy makers, transit planners and elected officials are increasingly interested in harnessing a portion of … Continued

Incentivizing TOD: Case Studies of Regional Programs Throughout the United States


This report illustrates and assesses different approaches to supporting transit-oriented development, through six case studies of regional programs throughout the country. Through describing the structure, funding and implementation of these programs, the report provides a broad but detailed survey of strategies employed by regional organizations working in concert with local actors to support the balanced … Continued

Unlocking MAP-21’s Potential to Fund Equitable Transit-Oriented Development


This white paper was developed for Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (Enterprise) and its regional and national stakeholders working to advance equitable transit-oriented development (TOD). It focuses on the potential role of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in supporting equitable TOD through the use of federal transportation funds and other resources. A set of policy recommendations and … Continued

Denver Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund


In 2010, Enterprise and Denver-area partners launched a first-of-its-kind fund to create and preserve affordable housing along current and future transit corridors in the City of Denver. As the region’s transit system extended beyond the City, the fund expanded to meet new demand. Today, the $24 million Denver Regional Transit-Oriented Development Fund is available to … Continued