Oakland CA

Seven American TODs: Good practices for urban design in TOD Projects


This paper analyzes seven American TOD projects in terms of urban design and concludes with a discussion of “good practices” for future TOD projects focusing on development processes, place-making, and facilities. This research supplements prior scholarship on TOD that has tended to focus on policy issues such as regulation and financing.

Transit-Oriented and Joint Development: Case Studies and Legal Issues


Legal Research Digest 36 – The project examines a combination of large, medium, and small TOD and joint development projects since 1999 and provides comprehensive case studies, with an emphasis on what made the project succeed and how legal issues relate to TODs in general. Case studies from Portland, Oregon; Oakland, California; Chicago, Illinois; Plano, … Continued

Incentivizing TOD: Case Studies of Regional Programs Throughout the United States


This report illustrates and assesses different approaches to supporting transit-oriented development, through six case studies of regional programs throughout the country. Through describing the structure, funding and implementation of these programs, the report provides a broad but detailed survey of strategies employed by regional organizations working in concert with local actors to support the balanced … Continued

Bay Area Transit-Oriented Affordable Housing (TOAH) Fund


The $50 million Fund provides financing for the development of affordable housing and other vital community services near transit lines throughout the Bay Area. Through the Fund, developers can access flexible, affordable capital to purchase or improve available property near transit lines for the development of affordable housing, retail space and other critical services, such … Continued

Forming Partnerships to Promote Transit-Oriented Development and Joint Development


Numerous transit agencies have worked since the 1970s to encourage transit-oriented development and to pursue joint development programs or individual joint development projects. Generally, these projects refer to the same type of transit-supportive development; the distinction lies in who is sponsoring and who is involved in the project. The guidance provided in this document draws … Continued

Guidelines for Providing Access to Public Transportation Stations


TCRP Report 153 – This report is intended to aid in the planning, developing, and improving of access to high capacity commuter rail, heavy rail, light rail, bus rapid transit, and ferry stations. The report includes guidelines for arranging and integrating various station design elements. The print version of TCRP Report 153 is accompanied by … Continued