
What’s your TOD type?


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Proposed guidelines released last week for Los Angeles’ affordable housing incentive program include a tiered typology based on the distance to a transit stop and the type of transit service provided. TOD typologies are a helpful way to determine the different needs of different station areas.

Street Smart: Streetcars and Cities in the 21st Century


This richly illustrated book is about streetcars and the tremendous private investment they help generate. There are case studies of the most robust new systems and the ways they’ve been used to leverage ambitious public goals like affordability and high-quality public space, and chapters on planning, financing and the more technical aspects of building a … Continued

Transit-Oriented and Joint Development: Case Studies and Legal Issues


Legal Research Digest 36 – The project examines a combination of large, medium, and small TOD and joint development projects since 1999 and provides comprehensive case studies, with an emphasis on what made the project succeed and how legal issues relate to TODs in general. Case studies from Portland, Oregon; Oakland, California; Chicago, Illinois; Plano, … Continued

Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use Decision Making: Guidebook for Transit Agencies


This guidebook was developed to help transit agencies better address the connections among transit, land use planning, and development decision making. The guidebook promotes improved transit and land use decision making by providing transit agencies with the tools to be more effective at the decision-making table. The tools, which build on successful transit and land … Continued

Incentivizing TOD: Case Studies of Regional Programs Throughout the United States


This report illustrates and assesses different approaches to supporting transit-oriented development, through six case studies of regional programs throughout the country. Through describing the structure, funding and implementation of these programs, the report provides a broad but detailed survey of strategies employed by regional organizations working in concert with local actors to support the balanced … Continued

Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier


Active Transportation and Real Estate: The Next Frontier explores the interconnections among walking, bicycling, and real estate development. It showcases the growing synergies between real estate development and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure investments.

Taking care of businesses during construction


Small businesses provide the foundation of local and statewide economies in Oregon. Keeping businesses open and accessible during light rail construction is a top priority for TriMet. During construction, TriMet keeps construction disruption to a minimum while maintaining access to businesses, and rapidly responding to any concerns and potential issues.

Do TODs Make a Difference?


The United States is moving into a new era of metropolitan development and form. The demographic, economic and finance drivers that made America a suburban nation may have run their course. America will see a shift toward infill and redevelopment. Facilitating this will be fixed-guideway transit systems and the transit oriented developments (TODs) they serve. … Continued