Ideas for transit-oriented housing reach new heights
Republican San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is taking a different approach to the housing shortage than most mayors around the country by embracing the YIMBY (yes in my backyard) mentality.
Republican San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is taking a different approach to the housing shortage than most mayors around the country by embracing the YIMBY (yes in my backyard) mentality.
A new residential development on one of the most transit-oriented, walkable corners of Southern California will have more parking than housing. Getting parking right is critical if transit-oriented developments are going to make the most of transit, reduce dependence on cars, and provide more attainable housing without having to bake the high cost of structured parking into every unit for sale or rent.
This handbook lays out a comprehensive framework for understanding, designing and implementing transit-oriented development. The guidelines are also good practice for any area that wants to create a distinct, walkable community.
This paper examines how various land use factors such as density, regional accessibility, mix and roadway connectivity affect travel behavior, including per capita vehicle travel, mode split and nonmotorized travel. This information is useful for evaluating the ability of smart growth, new urbanism and access management land use policies to achieve planning objectives such as … Continued
This report provides information about funding mechanisms and strategies that communities can use to provide innovative financing options for TOD. It explains dozens of tools that provide traditional financing as well as new tools.
This webinar describes joint developments, as a TOD strategy, from various perspectives including the federal government, transit agencies, and the private sector.
This report suggests a method for developing access and replacement parking strategies for BART’s Joint Development Program. It summarizes the context for this issue, identifies problems associated with current replacement parking practice, proposes general principles for access/replacement parking, and recommends an access/replacement parking methodology.
This report is intended to serve as a guide or a handbook for communities interested in planning and implementing parking policies and programs that are supportive of Smart Growth and Transit Oriented Development (TOD).
Many apartment projects near urban rail stations, critics charge, are “over-parked” – more parking is provided than needed. This can drive up the cost of housing, consume valuable land near transit, and impose environmental costs such as water pollution from enlarged impervious surfaces. Part of the blame for oversupply of parking in TODs (transit-oriented developments) … Continued
Minimum parking requirements have been long established in the urban planning professional, but they may need to be reformed.