
Cities Safer by Design


The guide addresses issues such as enhancing urban design to increase walkability, reducing vehicle speeds that threaten all road users, providing high-quality spaces for pedestrians and bicyclists, and improving access to mass transport.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design


There is a strong link between neighborhood conditions and health. Crime can have direct and indirect effects on individual and public health. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design fosters collaboration among planners, law enforcement, engineers, designers, code enforcement, and community stakeholders. This collaborative approach can help to improve community and government relations, and increase activity and … Continued

Transit-Oriented District University Curriculum


With support from the Southern California field office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and in partnership with Move LA, Reconnecting America, and Strategic Actions for a Just Economy, Enterprise Community Partners presents a popular education curriculum for equitable development in transit-oriented districts with a focus on affordable housing. This innovative curriculum … Continued

Evaluating Public Transportation Health Benefits


This report investigates ways that public transportation affects human health, and ways to incorporate these impacts into transport policy and planning decisions. This research indicates that public transit improvements and more transit oriented development can provide large but often overlooked health benefits. People who live or work in communities with high quality public transport tend … Continued