Joint Development

Developer goes to the state to avoid city deal


South of The Loop in Chicago, a developer is eyeing the rail yard across from Soldier Field as the site for the city’s next mega development. The project, called One Central, has been the talk of the town and is in the middle of big discussions about what role the developer, the city, and the state play in building a major transit hub.

“The role of a transit agency isn’t just moving people, it’s economic development”


Value capture, gentrification, and building affordable housing around transit were among the many topics on the agenda at the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods. With value capture in particular, having developers and consultants with relevant experience in the room provided some important insights into how to successfully execute such projects.

Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Design Guidelines


The purpose of this guidance document is to provide direction for joint-development partners on the design elements that UTA expects developers to consider and address in development plans, including connectivity and development form. These guidelines will be used by UTA staff in reviewing site plans and will formulate the basis for feedback and final acceptance … Continued

Transit-Oriented and Joint Development: Case Studies and Legal Issues


Legal Research Digest 36 – The project examines a combination of large, medium, and small TOD and joint development projects since 1999 and provides comprehensive case studies, with an emphasis on what made the project succeed and how legal issues relate to TODs in general. Case studies from Portland, Oregon; Oakland, California; Chicago, Illinois; Plano, … Continued

Forming Partnerships to Promote Transit-Oriented Development and Joint Development


Numerous transit agencies have worked since the 1970s to encourage transit-oriented development and to pursue joint development programs or individual joint development projects. Generally, these projects refer to the same type of transit-supportive development; the distinction lies in who is sponsoring and who is involved in the project. The guidance provided in this document draws … Continued

Capturing the Value of Transit


Over the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that the presence of transit can increase property values and result in valuable development opportunities. In this era of constrained transit funding and widespread demand for new and expanded transit systems, policy makers, transit planners and elected officials are increasingly interested in harnessing a portion of … Continued