
Rails to Real Estate: Development Patterns Along Three New Transit Lines


This report documents real estate development patterns along three recently constructed light rail transit lines in the United States: 1) Hiawatha Line (Minneapolis-St. Paul), 2) Southeast Corridor (Denver), 3) Blue Line (Charlotte). This topic is important for local planning practitioners, transit agencies, community members and other stakeholders in their efforts to plan for new transit … Continued

2010 Inventory of TOD Programs


2010 Inventory of TOD Programs: A National Review of State, Regional and Local Programs that Fund Transit-Oriented Development Plans and Projects The scope of this effort was not to compile all policies that support TOD, such as zoning codes, joint development policies or authorizing legislation, but rather to inventory ongoing, institutionalized programs that provide direct … Continued

Healthy Corridor for All: A Community Health Impact Assessment of TOD Policy in St. Paul, Minnesota


Responding to community concerns, ISAIAH, TakeAction Minnesota and PolicyLink launched the Healthy Corridor for All Health Impact Assessment (HIA) project to understand the potential impacts of the proposed transit-oriented land use changed on the communities that live in the Central Corridor. The project was directed by a Community Steering Committee (CSC) comprised of community leaders … Continued

Building Capacity: Helping Communities Create Vibrant, Healthy and Economically Prosperous Neighborhoods


The information in this document represents a compilation of specific issue area briefs provided by Team Implementation. Each issue brief accompanied a webinar and allowed grantees to gain additional resources on topics such as creating regional TOD plans and strategies, infill infrastructure financing, advancing sustainability in a slow economy, and redeveloping brownfield properties. This document … Continued

Destinations Matter: Building Transit Success


This paper analyzes the performance of 19 transit lines to better understand the factors contributing to high ridership. Of the 19 lines examined, seven exceeded projections, eight are on track to beat projections, and two did not meet projections, while data for three was unavailable. The conclusion: that connecting destinations is key, and that the … Continued

Transit-Oriented Development and Employment


The report discusses the relationship between transit and job concentrations and explains the importance of the destination side of the trip for both transit operations and land-use planning in station areas. It examines Atlanta, Georgia; Phoenix, Arizona; and the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul), Minnesota, to illustrate the patterns of employment concentrations and show … Continued

Strategic Stormwater Solutions for TOD


The study provides a stormwater management framework for the implementation of SSGI – a system in which stormwater runoff generated from multiple parcels is jointly treated in shared green infrastructure. The green infrastructure is located and designed to provide economic, environmental and social (triple bottom line) benefits to the community beyond treating stormwater, referred to … Continued

TOD 203 – Transit Corridors and TOD: Connecting the Dots


Filled with real-world transit-oriented development lessons, the guidebook explains how corridor planning can facilitate not only successful transportation outcomes but also successful transit-oriented development. The guidebook defines three corridor types (destination connector, commuter, and district circulator) and identifies the different implications for TOD associated with each type of transit corridor. Putting the theory to work, … Continued

Art, Community Culture and TOD: Four Stories


Is it art? Or a key component for improving and leveraging transit system investments? It can be both! See how art installations and other placemaking strategies are being used in four communities. How are Tucson, the Bay Area, the Twin Cities and Dallas incorporating art into their local delivery systems? Each community tells a different … Continued