
Seven American TODs: Good practices for urban design in TOD Projects


This paper analyzes seven American TOD projects in terms of urban design and concludes with a discussion of “good practices” for future TOD projects focusing on development processes, place-making, and facilities. This research supplements prior scholarship on TOD that has tended to focus on policy issues such as regulation and financing.

Preserving Affordability and Access in Livable Communities: Subsidized Housing Opportunities Near Transit and the 50+ Population


In the next five years as many as 160,000 renters in 20 metro areas could lose their affordable apartments near transit because the contracts on their privately-owned HUD-subsidized rental units are due to expire. The renewed popularity of urban living means that properties in walkable neighborhoods near transit have increased in value, and that property … Continued

Building Capacity: Helping Communities Create Vibrant, Healthy and Economically Prosperous Neighborhoods


The information in this document represents a compilation of specific issue area briefs provided by Team Implementation. Each issue brief accompanied a webinar and allowed grantees to gain additional resources on topics such as creating regional TOD plans and strategies, infill infrastructure financing, advancing sustainability in a slow economy, and redeveloping brownfield properties. This document … Continued

Destinations Matter: Building Transit Success


This paper analyzes the performance of 19 transit lines to better understand the factors contributing to high ridership. Of the 19 lines examined, seven exceeded projections, eight are on track to beat projections, and two did not meet projections, while data for three was unavailable. The conclusion: that connecting destinations is key, and that the … Continued

TOD 203 – Transit Corridors and TOD: Connecting the Dots


Filled with real-world transit-oriented development lessons, the guidebook explains how corridor planning can facilitate not only successful transportation outcomes but also successful transit-oriented development. The guidebook defines three corridor types (destination connector, commuter, and district circulator) and identifies the different implications for TOD associated with each type of transit corridor. Putting the theory to work, … Continued

Citizen’s Guide to Childcare Services at Transit Stations


This booklet was written in cooperation with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), to assist communities in the development of childcare services at transit stations. This booklet explains how community organizations, local officials and transit agencies can partner to plan, fund, and build these facilities.

Performance-Based Transit-Oriented Development Typology Guidebook


This guidebook is a hands-on tool for identifying the different conditions that exist around transit stations and determining how that influences performance on a range of metrics. Whether working locally or regionally, the guidebook provides easy to understand information to help guide efforts to create high-quality TOD that reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), a significant … Continued