
Neighborhood Crime and Transit Station Access Mode Choice – Phase III of Neighborhood Crime and Travel Behavior


This report provides the findings from the third phase of a three-part study about the influences of neighborhood crimes on travel mode choice. While previous phases found evidence that high levels of neighborhood crime discourage people from choosing to walk, bicycle and ride transit, consistent with the authors’ hypothesis, they also produced counterintuitive findings suggesting … Continued

Protecting Against Transit Crime: The Importance of the Built Environment


The paper first summarizes the theoretical context with two theories that seek to explain the incidence of crime. Following this brief theoretical overview the paper presents empirical findings about the effect of the built environment on crime at transit stops and stations in Los Angeles, and ends with policy recommendations and suggestions for safer transit … Continued

Transportation and Public Health


This article investigates various ways that transportation policy and planning decisions affect public health and better ways to incorporate public health objectives into transport planning. Conventional planning tends to consider some public health impacts, such as crash risk and pollution emissions measured per vehicle-kilometer, but generally ignores health problems resulting from less active transport (reduced … Continued

Cities Safer by Design


The guide addresses issues such as enhancing urban design to increase walkability, reducing vehicle speeds that threaten all road users, providing high-quality spaces for pedestrians and bicyclists, and improving access to mass transport.

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design


There is a strong link between neighborhood conditions and health. Crime can have direct and indirect effects on individual and public health. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design fosters collaboration among planners, law enforcement, engineers, designers, code enforcement, and community stakeholders. This collaborative approach can help to improve community and government relations, and increase activity and … Continued

Pedestrian Safety Guide for Transit Agencies


The guide is intended to provide transit agency staff with an easy-to-use resource for improving pedestrian safety. The guide includes a variety of approaches to address common pedestrian safety issues that are likely to arise near transit stations, bus stops, and other places where transit (bus or rail) is operated. It provides references to publications, … Continued

Safer Than You Think! Revising the Transit Safety Narrative


Public transportation is overall a relatively safe (low crash risk) and secure (low crime risk) mode of transport. Transit travel has about a tenth the traffic casualty (death or injury) rate as automobile travel, and residents of transit-oriented communities have about a fifth the per capita crash casualty rate as in automobile-oriented communities. Transit also … Continued