Transit Parking 101
/This Recommended Practice is an introduction to parking and transit, including the ownership, supply, location, management and design of parking facilities.
This Recommended Practice is an introduction to parking and transit, including the ownership, supply, location, management and design of parking facilities.
This report suggests a method for developing access and replacement parking strategies for BART’s Joint Development Program. It summarizes the context for this issue, identifies problems associated with current replacement parking practice, proposes general principles for access/replacement parking, and recommends an access/replacement parking methodology.
Many apartment projects near urban rail stations, critics charge, are “over-parked” – more parking is provided than needed. This can drive up the cost of housing, consume valuable land near transit, and impose environmental costs such as water pollution from enlarged impervious surfaces. Part of the blame for oversupply of parking in TODs (transit-oriented developments) … Continued
This paper describes and evaluates tools and strategies that are being used to create mixed-income and affordable housing near transit in regions around the U.S. The first half of the paper explains how these various strategies are being used and the limitations and successes of each, and the second half discusses best practices and provides … Continued
In the next five years as many as 160,000 renters in 20 metro areas could lose their affordable apartments near transit because the contracts on their privately-owned HUD-subsidized rental units are due to expire. The renewed popularity of urban living means that properties in walkable neighborhoods near transit have increased in value, and that property … Continued
Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit: Affordable TOD as a Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Equity Strategy The California Housing Partnership Corporation initiated this report in order to assess existing research on the role of preservation and development of affordable housing in transit--oriented corridors as a greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy for California. As a … Continued
The information in this document represents a compilation of specific issue area briefs provided by Team Implementation. Each issue brief accompanied a webinar and allowed grantees to gain additional resources on topics such as creating regional TOD plans and strategies, infill infrastructure financing, advancing sustainability in a slow economy, and redeveloping brownfield properties. This document … Continued
This report synthesizes the ideas and policy recommendations from a national convening of local, state, and federal stakeholders from across the country on innovative policy and practice at the housing, transportation, and schools (“H/T/E”) nexus.
This book discusses the commute trip and its impact on communities, and strategies that can be used to increase transit’s share of the commute trip. A great deal of practical and academic activity in the past several decades has been devoted to understanding how land use can support robust transit ridership and realize transit’s potential … Continued
Metropolitan Transportation Commission – Resolution 3434: Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Policy for Regional Transit Expansion Projects This TOD policy addresses multiple goals: improving the cost effectiveness of regional investments in new transit expansions, easing the Bay Area’s chronic housing shortage, creating vibrant new communities, and helping preserve regional open space. The policy ensures that transportation agencies, … Continued