
Transit-Oriented and Joint Development: Case Studies and Legal Issues


Legal Research Digest 36 – The project examines a combination of large, medium, and small TOD and joint development projects since 1999 and provides comprehensive case studies, with an emphasis on what made the project succeed and how legal issues relate to TODs in general. Case studies from Portland, Oregon; Oakland, California; Chicago, Illinois; Plano, … Continued

Getting the Parking Right for Transit-Oriented Development


Increasingly MPOs in Texas are incorporating Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) or similar concepts into their long-range plans for the purpose of achieving sustainable transportation. One major challenge to implementing these TOD-type strategies is parking. The conventional parking policies likely produce excessive parking, undermining the expected community benefits of TOD and could even cause the TOD initiative … Continued

A Health Impact Assessment of Transit-Oriented Development at the Quitman Light Rail Station in Houston, Texas


This study uses a specialized tool—a health impact assessment, or HIA—to evaluate the health impacts of transit-oriented development (TOD) in a neighborhood surrounding a soon-to-be-completed light rail station in Houston, Texas. The station we chose for this pilot assessment is the Quitman station, which is located just north of downtown Houston, at the intersection of … Continued

Tools for Mixed-Income TOD


This paper describes and evaluates tools and strategies that are being used to create mixed-income and affordable housing near transit in regions around the U.S. The first half of the paper explains how these various strategies are being used and the limitations and successes of each, and the second half discusses best practices and provides … Continued

Preserving Affordability and Access in Livable Communities: Subsidized Housing Opportunities Near Transit and the 50+ Population


In the next five years as many as 160,000 renters in 20 metro areas could lose their affordable apartments near transit because the contracts on their privately-owned HUD-subsidized rental units are due to expire. The renewed popularity of urban living means that properties in walkable neighborhoods near transit have increased in value, and that property … Continued

2010 Inventory of TOD Programs


2010 Inventory of TOD Programs: A National Review of State, Regional and Local Programs that Fund Transit-Oriented Development Plans and Projects The scope of this effort was not to compile all policies that support TOD, such as zoning codes, joint development policies or authorizing legislation, but rather to inventory ongoing, institutionalized programs that provide direct … Continued

Destinations Matter: Building Transit Success


This paper analyzes the performance of 19 transit lines to better understand the factors contributing to high ridership. Of the 19 lines examined, seven exceeded projections, eight are on track to beat projections, and two did not meet projections, while data for three was unavailable. The conclusion: that connecting destinations is key, and that the … Continued

The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Development near DART Stations


The purpose of this document is to identify and calculate economic impacts of real estate development projects within a quarter-mile radius of DART light-rail stations. The study is a follow-up to the 2013 analysis completed by this office and analyzes development projects in 2014 and 2015. The values of all projects included in the analysis … Continued

National Study of BRT Development Outcomes


Bus rapid transit (BRT) is poised to become the “next big thing” in public transit. From virtually no systems a generation ago, there are now 19 lines operating with at least seven under construction and more than 20 in the planning stages. BRT is gaining popularity because of its combination of low capital cost and … Continued