Value Capture

“The role of a transit agency isn’t just moving people, it’s economic development”


Value capture, gentrification, and building affordable housing around transit were among the many topics on the agenda at the 2018 LOCUS Leadership Summit: Rebuild America’s Neighborhoods. With value capture in particular, having developers and consultants with relevant experience in the room provided some important insights into how to successfully execute such projects.

Aligning Transit and Real Estate: An Integrated Financial Strategy


This paper points to two evolutionary steps that can promote economically viable and more livable transit oriented communities – (1) coordinating transit and real estate development in one sequential process and (2) advancing TOD goals beyond vertical real estate development to encompass community “Livability Benefits” that are often required of developers and typically mandated by … Continued

Value Capture and Transit


This webinar describes techniques for capturing the property value increases to pay for transit or other improvements.

The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice (Third Edition)


This handbook collects the innovative approaches that state transportation leaders are already using to make systems more efficient and effective in today’s challenging economy. Smarter transportation investments are both possible and popular; the challenge is determining where to begin and to whom to reach out for support and guidance. Every state is different, from the … Continued

Capturing the Value of Transit


Over the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that the presence of transit can increase property values and result in valuable development opportunities. In this era of constrained transit funding and widespread demand for new and expanded transit systems, policy makers, transit planners and elected officials are increasingly interested in harnessing a portion of … Continued