Zoning Coding Urban Design

2010 Inventory of TOD Programs


2010 Inventory of TOD Programs: A National Review of State, Regional and Local Programs that Fund Transit-Oriented Development Plans and Projects The scope of this effort was not to compile all policies that support TOD, such as zoning codes, joint development policies or authorizing legislation, but rather to inventory ongoing, institutionalized programs that provide direct … Continued

TCRP 167: Making Effective Fixed Guideway Investments


This reportĀ provides a data-driven, indicator-based model for predicting the success of a fixed-guideway transit project based on expected project ridership and resulting changes in transit system usage. Applying this analytical model can help local, regional, and state transportation planning agencies determine whether a proposed improvement project merits investment in more detailed planning analysis. The analytical … Continued

TOD 203 – Transit Corridors and TOD: Connecting the Dots


Filled with real-world transit-oriented development lessons, the guidebook explains how corridor planning can facilitate not only successful transportation outcomes but also successful transit-oriented development. The guidebook defines three corridor types (destination connector, commuter, and district circulator) and identifies the different implications for TOD associated with each type of transit corridor. Putting the theory to work, … Continued

Performance-Based Transit-Oriented Development Typology Guidebook


This guidebook is a hands-on tool for identifying the different conditions that exist around transit stations and determining how that influences performance on a range of metrics. Whether working locally or regionally, the guidebook provides easy to understand information to help guide efforts to create high-quality TOD that reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), a significant … Continued