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Reconnecting Somerville with Transit


This month, we’re joined by Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone on Building Better Communities with Transit to learn about how the Green Line Extension is transforming the city by reconnecting it with high-capacity rail transit.

The impact of station location on TOD


Parks and open space highlighted in the Sun Valley Neighborhood Plan. Mile High Stadium can be seen at the top and Decatur-Federal Station along Rude Park (Photo: City and County of Denver)
Planning for TOD is often dependent on the specific location of stations along a transit corridor. This week a few different discussions arose around early planning for rail lines in Seattle while in Denver, development possibilities increased next to an existing station.

When a transit-oriented development misses the point


A new residential development on one of the most transit-oriented, walkable corners of Southern California will have more parking than housing. Getting parking right is critical if transit-oriented developments are going to make the most of transit, reduce dependence on cars, and provide more attainable housing without having to bake the high cost of structured parking into every unit for sale or rent.

Albuquerque investing in place


In this month’s episode of Building Better Communities with Transit, we connect with a planner who helped bring high-quality bus rapid transit to Albuquerque. ART, as the new line is called, is just one project but it forms a frequent and reliable backbone for Albuquerque’s entire transportation system.

A tale of two cities…and station access


Union City, CA could divert millions of dollars that voters approved for transit into a new road project, ostensibly to improve station access. To the north in Oakland, CA, developers have proposed a 1,000+ unit housing complex right next to the West Oakland BART Station with just eight off-street parking spots. The contrast leads to a discussion about station access.

Decarbonize the city, a few blocks at a time


Today, we’re releasing the second episode of Building Better Communities with Transit: “Decarbonize the city, a few blocks at time.” This month we explore a new smart city concept taking shape in Denver, CO: Peña Station Next.