Publication Date
December 15, 2010
- Atlanta GA
- Berkeley CA
- California
- Corridor Planning
- Demographics
- Development
- Development Patterns
- Economic Development
- Employment
- Georgia
- Gresham OR
- Jersey City NJ
- Los Angeles CA
- Market
- Maryland
- Missouri
- New Jersey
- Oregon
- Pittsburgh PA
- Policy
- Regional Planning
- Rockville MD
- Saint Louis MO
- scenario planning
- Station Area Planning
- Texas
- Typology
- Urban Form
- Vehicle Miles Traveled
- West Irving TX
- Zoning Coding Urban Design
Resource Type
Performance-Based Transit-Oriented Development Typology Guidebook
This guidebook is a hands-on tool for identifying the different conditions that exist around transit stations and determining how that influences performance on a range of metrics. Whether working locally or regionally, the guidebook provides easy to understand information to help guide efforts to create high-quality TOD that reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), a significant generator of our national greenhouse gas emissions, as well as creating a host of community benefits.
The guidebook builds off of the TOD Database, a web tool released in October 2010 that provides economic and demographic information for every existing and proposed fixed-guideway transit station in the United States. This guidebook will be of use to policymakers, planners, employers, and residents interested in matters related to transit ridership, climate change, economic development, affordable housing, urban design, or other issues linked to transportation, employment, and place.