Regional Planning

Transit-Oriented Development Tools for Metropolitan Planning Organizations


Metropolitan Planning Organizations play a very important role in the planning and implementation of TOD. As regional planning bodies, MPOs are in a unique position to support stakeholders within their jurisdiction to take actions or adopt policies that support transit-oriented development and provide funding for planning and transit supportive infrastructure. In long-standing federal law for … Continued

Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use Decision Making: Guidebook for Transit Agencies


This guidebook was developed to help transit agencies better address the connections among transit, land use planning, and development decision making. The guidebook promotes improved transit and land use decision making by providing transit agencies with the tools to be more effective at the decision-making table. The tools, which build on successful transit and land … Continued

Planning for Transit-Supportive Development: A Practitioner’s Guide


This resource is a toolkit of practical and innovative measures to help Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO’s), regional planners, transit agencies, and local government elected officials, staff, land use planners, and transit planners integrate transit planning with local land use planning. This guide includes best practices, guidance, success stories, useful techniques, transferable examples, and lessons learned, … Continued

Transit and Urban Form – Volume 2, Part III A Guidebook for Practitioners


A Guidebook for Practitioners offers guidance to communities on patterns of development that encourage alternatives to the automobile for work and nonwork travel. It summarizes the key relationships between transit and urban form, outlines the role of transit in regional and corridor planning, and discusses the principles and tools for station-area planning and development.

Transit and Urban Form – Volume 2PART IV Public Policy and Transit-Oriented Development: Six International Case Studies


Public Policy and TOD uses case studies to determine the public policies and institutions necessary for transit-supportive development to occur. The case studies include three cities with rail systems and three with high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes or exclusive busways. The six case study cities are Houston, Texas; Washington, D.C.; Portland, Oregon; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; … Continued

Incentivizing TOD: Case Studies of Regional Programs Throughout the United States


This report illustrates and assesses different approaches to supporting transit-oriented development, through six case studies of regional programs throughout the country. Through describing the structure, funding and implementation of these programs, the report provides a broad but detailed survey of strategies employed by regional organizations working in concert with local actors to support the balanced … Continued

Unlocking MAP-21’s Potential to Fund Equitable Transit-Oriented Development


This white paper was developed for Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. (Enterprise) and its regional and national stakeholders working to advance equitable transit-oriented development (TOD). It focuses on the potential role of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) in supporting equitable TOD through the use of federal transportation funds and other resources. A set of policy recommendations and … Continued

Do TODs Make a Difference?


The United States is moving into a new era of metropolitan development and form. The demographic, economic and finance drivers that made America a suburban nation may have run their course. America will see a shift toward infill and redevelopment. Facilitating this will be fixed-guideway transit systems and the transit oriented developments (TODs) they serve. … Continued