Economic Development

Los Angeles Equity Atlas


The Equity Atlas draws from existing research and material to understand geographic differences in performance towards achieving the countywide equity goals outlined in the report. The Equity Atlas clearly articulates how these goals related to transportation and land use investments. The Equity Atlas overlays the transit network on different measures to understand how we perform … Continued

The Denver Regional Equity Atlas: Mapping Opportunity At The Regional Scale


The Denver Regional Equity Atlas was written to inform the development of strategies to ensure that existing and expanding transit systems in the Metro Denver region provide greater access from affordable housing to jobs, good schools, health care and other essential services. The Atlas is a visual representation of demographics, education, employment, health care and … Continued

Performance-Based Transit-Oriented Development Typology Guidebook


This guidebook is a hands-on tool for identifying the different conditions that exist around transit stations and determining how that influences performance on a range of metrics. Whether working locally or regionally, the guidebook provides easy to understand information to help guide efforts to create high-quality TOD that reduces vehicle miles traveled (VMT), a significant … Continued